Wednesday, October 7, 2009

WMS Directory

Last week Logistics Advice, Inc. introduced its new Warehouse Management System Directory or WMS Directory on their website. It is a quick reference guide that provides an overview of the available options for warehouse automation. The Warehouse Management System Directory is meant as a source of information for those who are looking to implement a new system and want to compare their options.

A related topic came up during a recent discussion, namely: Before deciding to implement a WMS you should first determine if you need one. Often ERP systems already provide basic warehouse management modules that can work as well for your specific company as a full blown WMS. That way you would not have to invest in a separate WMS.

Making a description of operations as a blueprint for further development of the system, as described in the article "Important tips for purchasing a WMS", is also extremely valuable when determining what system the company needs if any at all. That is why this step should be finalized before the purchase of a specific system.

The main purpose of installing a new WMS should be to improve productivity and quality levels throughout the operation and beyond. In addition it will give management and staff more visibility when implemented correctly and will make customer deliveries more accurate and timely.

We have started the WMS directory because there are many Warehouse Management Systems on the market, especially for small to midsized companies. Besides the directory we provide additional information and tips on WMS selection and implementations right here on our blog. We hope that the information will help our readers in their search for warehouse automation and improvement.

If you need assistance with your search for the right WMS, with creating a process description or with the implementation process, feel free to contact us.

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